Friday, September 3, 2010

♥٭ Friday's Fave Five September 3, 2010٭♥

It's Friday again, folks!! Thanks as always to Susanne from Living to Tell the Story for hosting!

This week has been a week of reflection and prayer for me, and finding out who I really am and what I really want out of my life. So, if these seem strange in any way, that's just my quirky personality coming out!

  1. Great coffee!! I do consider myself a coffee connoisseur (read snob). That's a big part of my personality. Coffee is my drink of choice, all day, every day. I have different flavors, different strengths, different grinds. I love my day to start from June 'til late August with Green Mountain's Wild Blueberry Blend. It's a breakfast type with blueberry flavoring. Evokes summer in a sip. I like iced when it's hot and the best iced I've found for the price is Dunkin' Donuts Dark Roast Large with Extra Extra sugar and cream with blueberry flavoring (summer) or Pumpkin Spice (fall) with a shot and a swirl. See what I mean? ☺☺☺
  2. The local YMCA. I am going to be coaching the 2nd through 5th grade soccer program. We are on a scholarship because funds are so tight and instead of getting paid for coaching I am going to trade "in kind." The girls are going to get to do gymnastics, J7 gets his long-dreamed of karate lessons, all 3 get swimming lessons (they are going to be so thrilled to go swimming when there's snow on the ground!) and the hubby and I get to enroll in some fitness and enrichment programs, too. Much better deal, I think!
  3. My box fan. It has been near 100° here ALL week. Schools have dismissed early due to the heat, and yesterday some were canceled all together. I have been hanging out in front of the box fan, drinking LOTS of water (goodness, I forgot how yummy cold plain water is!), and reading books. What books? Well, between yesterday afternoon and this morning I read three of Janet Evanovich's "Stephanie Plum" novels...Lean Mean 13, Fearless 14, and Finger Lickin' 15.
  4. The incoming rain and cooler temps courtesy of Hurricane Earl. The local country radio station has been playing "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks at least once every hour since the reports came through that we were going to get rain from the tail end of the storm. I disagree!! Bring on the RAIN! It has been SO hot and miserable, I am LOVING this breeze, the sound of distant thunder, and the MUCH cooler temps. 
  5. Keeping one step ahead even if it means we are farther behind. My car registration expired on Tuesday night at midnight. I JUST got the money together to pay it today. It means having less than $50 to live on until next Friday, but we can do it! I just feel great that my car is legal, even though I am going to have miss work tomorrow due to a lack of gas money, LOL!
There's my Five Favorite things about this week. Hope you have at least five favorites, too! Stay cool, keep your whistle wet, and Praise Him From Whom All Blessings Flow! 


  1. I gotta agree - playing "Goodbye Earl" is the perfect song for right now. I have been looking forward to rain and cooler temps too.

    I never had blueberry flavored coffee ... You do really sound like a coffee connoisseur!

    I do love a box fan, too. I've had one all my life!

  2. I'm a coffee snob as well, but I favor the cheap stuff at Q-trip! lol I love that the Y will do that for you, what a great opportunity for the whole family.

  3. I am going to have to check this blueberry coffee out! :)

  4. I am a coffee freak as well, and I always get the good coffee. And its really good with liquid whipped cream in it as well. I am not really one for the flavoured creamers, I like the taste of the coffee itself.
    Its cool enough here now at night especially that the box fan here is only on once in a while. Its in the bedroom and was essential at night when it was hot!!

  5. I love good coffee too but I have to say I have never had blueberry coffee.

    It's great that you can trade coaching for your kids being able to play soccer. I'm glad that opportunity is there for you.

  6. Blueberry coffee is lovely, I had it when I was in the States. It's not available in Belgium though. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I love your trade with the Y, so your kids can get involved in the activities. That's great.

    Hope you have a great week!

  8. Glad you have legal wheels, ask someone to give you a ride and save the gas.

    blueberry coffee sounds delectable, I'll pass on the fall pumpkin spice though I got a bottle and well enough said.

    have a great week.

  9. I'm another one who hasn't heard of blueberry coffee. Is there a grocery store that carries this?

    I checked out Lean Mean 13 thinking this would be a good book for my niece who just turned 13. Looks like an interesting read but not for a 13 year old. lol.

    Stay safe from the hurricane and hope the promised rain does indeed lower the temps.
