Wednesday, May 18, 2011

†Wednesday Wifehood†

Here it is, Wednesday again. I apologize for the lack of entries but I lost my mom on April 2nd, then I've had finals at college and the pre-entry requirements into my Master's program...

So, here it is at last, a BRAND NEW
To join in the Wifehood fun hop over to Christian Frugal Mama and take part!

The latest post entry got me thinking about the Five Love Languages. Now, I was given a copy of the book some years ago and thought "eh, I don't need that." Well, a couple years ago I started wishing I had it. BUT now you can find the Love Language Assessment online which makes it very easy and very quick. Here is my result: 

 I was sort of surprised to find that I tied 3 different languages for #1 but that I didn't get not even ONE tick in "receiving gifts." I mean, I KNOW I'm not a material girl but come on, the fact that I didn't rate one choice preferring a gift to something else? Well, to be honest, it kinda made me feel good, lmbo!

I can't wait to show this to my dh and make sure he knows that I may be pleased when he brings me something but that it is NOT my ultimate 'happy maker.'

I have a feeling this will get us out and about on hikes and canoe trips more this summer as well as some more date nights in with movies!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Love at Last Sight - A Book Review AND Giveaway!

Kerry and Chris Shook have done it again. Love at Last Sight is exactly the book I needed to save my marriage, and it did what I needed it to do. Filled with amazing insight and motivation Love at Last Sight helped me focus on things I had forgotten about as well as things I had never thought about in relation to my marriage. The fact that it is a 30 day journey, not something you have to tackle all at once made it a lot easier to get into and after a couple days I really looked forward to the day's reading and the journaling I did afterward. I was on the brink of leaving because of what I perceived as a lack of love but was actually a combination of exhaustion and a lack of communication on my husband's part that led to emotional wounds and a withdrawing physically, mentally and emotionally on my part. We have the marriage we had both dreamed of and now I am recommending this book to everyone I know who thinks they are about to bail on a marriage because "the love is not there anymore."

I received this book a little more than a month ago and went through it daily. Some days it was very hard
not to read ahead but I wanted to get the full effect of completing the reading, journaling my feelings and praying over the insight I had gotten. Sometimes that meant going back and journaling some more at the end but I was ecstatic with the results and I cannot wait to pass this book on to someone who could really use it!

Now, for the giveaway fun! You receive one entry for commenting. That's all I ask. BUT you can receive more entries for:
  • Following! Follow my blog and I will give you TWO BONUS ENTRIES. 
  • Tweet about the giveaway! Tweet and put #moira_mcgarry in your tweet so I'll know. 1 entry.
  • Facebook it! Post it on your wall then come back here and comment with your FB link. 1 entry. 
  • Get your friends to come check it out! If they come, tell them to put you in their comment. You'll EACH get a bonus entry! 
Good luck and have fun!