Saturday, December 28, 2013

Halfway Day

♪Halfway Day, It's Halfway Day♫

And just what is halfway day, you ask? It's December 28th, three days past Christmas and three days until New Year's Eve. For me it is the day I finally get all the Christmas decorations put away, and start reflecting on the past year. I make my Priority One lists, which basically are things that need done around the house and homestead, activities I take part in, and character traits that I need to improve or remove over the year. I choose books that will help me be the woman God made me to be, that will uplift and inspire me to be and do more. I add those to my list to read over the coming year. 

I have done this ever since I was 16 and someone very dear to me told me he had done it for most of his life, since returning home from Vietnam and escorting his only brother's body back. He started by picking one thing he knew his brother wanted to do that he wouldn't get to, one thing about himself he could change for the positive, and one way to give back to the community in his brother's name. His Halfway Day evolved over the years and everyone's of course is going to be a little different. My husband picks two big projects around the homestead, one major outdoor trip and four smaller ones (he says this year, wait...THIS YEAR...we're going to finally do the Allagash!), and ways he wants to give back and reach out. My kids put things on their lists like books they want to read after seeing the movie, or a craft or hobby they want to start or improve on, and one volunteer project or act of giving they want to help with. 

 So, with that said, and at almost lunchtime, I still have some ornaments and lights to box up and lists to finish. 


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