Monday, June 14, 2010

The Lord is Good to Me

As some of you know, my family has been in a split-custody arrangement since November of 2008. It has never really been a great thing and it's just gotten worse and worse with no changes in sight.

Well my husband and I just bought a 28 acre farm in the area of Maine we both really wanted to raise a family in and have agreed that it is time to go back to court and have things returned to the way they were. My kids' dad is on the road as a truck driver more than he is home, the kids' stepmom puts on a good face when he is around but does a complete 180* when he's not, and the kids are not happy there. They want to come home and visit the other house on alternate weekends. My goal is to homeschool, and it is what the kids want too. That will allow more flexibility and I am sure my ex-husband will be able to see that as well. His new wife has said to my face that she is the only reason he has his kids one full week at a time and also that she could not "STAND" to have him home every night..."I value my private time too much." What about his relationship with his kids? That is not a thing to hold over a person's head and I refuse to allow my kids to live in that type of environment any longer.

So God spoke to me in His still, small voice out of the blue. I receive a daily encouraging email with a Bible verse from KLOVE radio ( to sign up, it's totally free!) and here is today's email:
Encouraging Word

Monday 6/14/2010

"So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you."
                                                                                                          ~ Deuteronomy 31:6, NLT
That is the encouragement I have been desperately seeking. I have quiet in my soul, peace in my heart, and confidence to go forward with God's support and He will go before me to make the way easy.

May you hear from God in some way today and may it encourage and bless you!

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